Saturday, 29 November 2008

We apologise for the inconvenience

I'm sorry for not posting in a while. But I have obtained a number of old movie cameras recently, which I will do posts about soon!

Over the past five weeks I've been working on an art project with cine film and I haven't had much spare time. I bought some old family movies on eBay, cut them and edited them, and played them back to the brilliant Lemon Jelly track Stay With You (this one) which fits perfectly. But the damn thing is going to be in an exhibition after Christmas and I need to get the music cleared!!! So I have letters to write.

My biggest purchase was a near mint condition Eumig Makro Sound 65 XL super 8 camera, so I'll have to shoot, then spend months trying to find a lab.

(P.S. Anyone who got the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference, go and get yourself some chocolate)

Monday, 3 November 2008

Baby Rollei

Another post about owning a Rollei, but this time it's not as cheap. What you're looking at isn't a '20s antique, but the Rolleiflex Mini Digital camera. 5MP, auto focus and the ultra-cool head-down LCD. It goes the whole hog as well, with the film advance crank and a cool leather strap. It might not be the many thousands the its medium format cousins, but it will set you back about £200 ($400), which can only really be justified by the novelty value. I certainly won't be buying one in the near future, but if you can't resist one, let me know how is feels and the quality of its shots.

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