Saturday, 28 June 2008

Currently on eBay

I've decided to post up links to a few interesting cameras on eBay if your interesting on increasing your collection.

Koroll-35 from sloz1664. It looks like quite a cute little camera which could bring out some interesting shots.

Olympus Trip 35 from ancnamma. It is very hard for me not to bid on this myself, but I'm trying to cut down on compulsive spending until I get more money! But this is your chance to own the classic Olympus Trip 35 camera. The pictures look ever so vintage!

A Pair of Brownies from ancnamma. I have the one on the right all ready, and I must say it's great! It does only take the big 6x9 shots which means that you can only fit eight on a roll of 120. It's perfect if you want to start making your own prints as you can just make contacts without an enlarger. It can fit 120, but be careful as it can jam.

GAMMA Photo Developer Enlarger from deejoared. This last one looks like a really great deal! It's a full enlarger package with lens, filter and everything. Unfortunately it's only available to the UK (sorry those of you in the USA, etc...) and the shipping is quite high, but if you can get it for a decent price; it's a bargin.

So, sory that all those were British sellers, it only just ocoured to me that half of the visitors here are American. So I sould do this again some time with international sales.


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